Add/Drop and Schedule Changes

Authorizing Body:

Office of the Dean


Robert Noiva, Ph.D., Lynda Misra, D.O.

Most Recent Reviewer:

Cynthia Ledford, M.D.

Date Issued:

September 17, 2018

Last Update:

September 17, 2018


To set up a mechanism for the scheduling and approval of M4 clerkships and electives, allowing flexibility while ensuring that students meet graduation requirements and broad educational preparation for the next phase of training as residents.

Scope and Applicability:

All students enrolled in the School of Medicine.

Minimum Standards:

Selection of electives and required courses must meet requirements for graduation and program of study. Please see the M3-M4 Graduation Requirements guideline.


  1. Initial enrollment occurs during scheduling “lottery.”
  2. After initial scheduling, typically finalized mid-March, all changes must be requested by the submission of a Add/Drop form to Medical School Records and Registration ([email protected]) at least 5 weeks prior to the start of the clerkship or elective(s). Late requests for change will not be considered unless there are significant and compelling reasons for the delay.
    1. All Add/Drop requests must allow a student to remain enrolled in sufficient courses to ensure graduation as planned. For example, dropping a required clerkship such as Emergency Medicine, requires addition of that clerkship elsewhere in the schedule. Often, Add/Drop requests necessitate “paired requests” dropping two courses while adding two others to maintain an appropriate plan of study that allows a student to meet graduation requirements. Such requests for these dependent changes in a student’s schedule should be made as one form/request.
    2. Students should consult Oasis to confirm an opening is available. Students cannot be enrolled (added) if capacity has already been filled.
    3. In the event there is full capacity for a rotation, students may request to be added to the waitlist, indicating a desire to enroll should capacity become available. Once the capacity to add a student off the waitlist becomes available, Medical Records and Registration will ask the student to verify that the change is still desired by submitting an updated Add/Drop form.
    4. No changes are made or courses dropped, until the necessary added course is available.
  3. The Associate Dean for Undergraduate Clinical Education or designee will review the Add/Drop form and notify the student if the selected changes or electives do not meet program of study requirements.
  4. After initial review of the change request is completed by the associate dean, additional requirements may be necessary to approve or finalize enrollment including but not limited to confirmation with the host site or faculty member, and verification of affiliation agreements. All criteria must be met before enrollment is finalized.
  5. Students are responsible to check to see if their elective is present in OASIS seven-days after the filing of the Add/Drop form. If the elective is not listed, the student should contact [email protected].

Related Policies and Forms:

M3-M4 Graduation Requirements
Modified M4 Schedule for Students with Academic Difficulties
OUWB Religious Observance Guidelines
Elective Requirements
Directed Independent Electives
International Electives
Drop-Add Form